Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where's Sarah?

After the debates last night, Joe Biden was everywhere. He was interviewed on nearly every major network. Where was Sarah? McCain could have used some help after that debate. The fact that he had to hush up his running mate speaks volumes.

Joe Biden has proven, just in his post-debate spin alone, that he has the experience, knowledge, and readiness to step into the Presidency, if need be. Sarah Palin has not given me any indication that she is ready to fill that role.

I have mixed feelings about the upcoming VP debate. On the one hand, it'll be so glaringly obvious who is the better candidate. On the other, I actually feel bad for Biden for being put in this awkward situation. He has worked so hard to get where he is at - 36 years in the Senate. To be put up against Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska for less than 2 years, it's a very unbalanced match-up and not fair to either one of them.

I will sleep much better at night knowing that Obama and Biden are at the helm.


JulieNBrad said...

I completely agree! It's funny that McCain talks all the time about Obama's lack of experience (in the debate last night he repeated over and over, "Senator Obama just doesn't get it," when clearly he does!) but he chose as his running mate a candidate with even less experience and basically no on-the-spot interview skills whatsoever.

I feel a little bad for Palin actually to be put in this position--it's like being at the final exam when you haven't been in class all semester and they throw you nothing but essay questions. In all of her two interview (Charles Gibson and Katie Couric) Palin keeps repeating the talking points and trying to be cute, but obviously does not understand the issues about which she is asked very pointed questions. Unlike Biden. I can't wait to watch their debate!

Carolyn B said...

Way to go ladies, thanks for sharing this Sigs! I will try to keep up and better informed to make educated statements about why I support Obama and Biden without contest. I'm in DC now and it's much more energy than I'm used to in little ol' Olympia, WA. Keep up the good work. Thanks.